Friday, March 12, 2010

Technology: the cause of headaches??

Anecdotal evidence suggests that headaches are a contemporary ailment that can be linking directly to the attempt to understand technology. In an interview with a number of university students a large percentage reported constant and recurring headaches after using ICT. In some cases students reported the phenomena simply from coming into close contact with ICT.


  1. Yeh that hppened to me too.

  2. I heard that e-ailments was added into the Australian medical encyclopedia.

  3. yeh totally get where your coming from. I'm on the computer now and I have a headache.

  4. hey you interviewed me!! Yeh today I was in the computer lab for like two hours, and when I was finished i realised I had a really big headache. I had to take some panadol.

  5. Oh my deary, I too have been afflicted with these very same symptoms. I thought I was the only one and perhaps going a little bit batty. I have headaches, so severe, and they come on ever so suddenly. Do you think I should see a doctor? Is there a pill?

    I should mention to you, I do not like the language of some of your followers, it really is quite despicable. But otherwise you are doing a very good job.

    I should like to thank you very much for your article and I shall visit my GP in a jiffy.

    Yours Sincerely,
    Beryl Smithsonsonson
