Sunday, April 25, 2010

Mechanical painting

Year 7 Mechanical painting unit
Seven lessons: Discover the history behind mechanical painting and go on a tour of the process of making one of your own.
  1. Introduction to mechanical painting in history. (PowerPoint)
  2. Using a photocopier or scanner arrange two or three man made objects and make two to three prints. (Photocopier or scanner)
  3. If using a photocopier, make one collage artwork by cutting up your photocopies and reorganising them on a new sheet of paper. If using a scanner you can make a physical collage or a digital collage by cutting and pasting, reorganising your images to create a new image. You will need a hard copy to work with. (Computer)
  4. Using your collage as a preparatory sketch, make a painting. (no ICT)
  5. con't painting. (no ICT)
  6. con't painting. (no ICT)
  7. finish painting.


  1. Can one communicate with a photocopier?

    If you answered yes then a photocopier is an ICT.

    If you answered no then you have no imagination!

  2. Solid sequence -- gives them plenty of time to develop their thinking/skills
