Tuesday, July 27, 2010

teaching strategies for G&T

A Guide in Developing Strategies


Learning Needs / Skills to be Provided


Self motivation or intense application to high interest task. Capacity for independent work.

Research and study skills. Independent learning skills. Use of self-pacing materials.

Encouragement of self-direction - management of time, resources, self-organisation. Time and opportunity to pursue interests independently. Teaching of tools of inquiry to facilitate independent investigations. Use of contract systems, guidelines, learning centres. Provision of a knowledge of resources and their availability; show multiple ways of recording and presenting information. Flexibility of working space and timetabling.

High standards and goals.

Setting of realistic goals. Acceptance of mistakes. Group Skills. Exposure to people who may act as models.

Encouragement of intellectual risk-taking. Provision of co-operative learning strategies in small groups. Teaching of social skills. Explanation of multiple ways of recording and presenting information to encourage expression through a variety of modalities. Use of higher level thinking processes, e.g. Bloom's Taxonomy. Grouping with "like" peers, cluster groups, mentors. Access to products of high quality.

An evaluative approach and a concern with moral issues/judgments.

Exposure to the views, abilities and needs of others. Problem-solving skills in the affective domain; inquiry skills.

Provision of discussion opportunities with adults and "like" peers, as well as with children of varying abilities. Discussion of values, moral philosophical issues; role play and use of problem-solving process, e.g., Creative Problem Solving Steps (Parnes), Taba's Induction Thinking Model (form concepts, interpret data, infer, predict, hypothesise, explain/support, hypothesise, verify). Investigations, research.

Quick mastery and retention of information.

Use of self-pacing, self-selection. Allow rapid movement through the basic information stage. Early mastery of basic skills.

Provision for non-graded, flexibly organised instruction. Use of appropriate transition policies between levels of schooling. Opportunity for discovery learning. Use of higher level thinking skills and accelerated or advanced content.

High level of verbal ability and advanced vocabulary. Keen sense of humour. Reads extensively at higher level of difficulty and conceptualisation.

Exploration of language structures. Higher level comprehension skills. Verbal sharing of ideas. Opportunity to "play with language". Exposure to wide variety of reading materials - fiction and non fiction.

Opportunity for small group discussions, perhaps using novels as a basis. Exposure to other languages. Study of humour in language. Use of reading materials to develop creative and critical thinking skills. Production of a range of literary materials by the children at appropriate level of ability. Using books which deal with advanced or abstract concepts, e.g. heroism, time, change friendship. Developing understanding of plot, characterisation, theme, author strategies and style.

Wide general knowledge. Advanced interest in one or more fields.

Integrated approach to curriculum. Exposure to wide variety of subjects, materials and resources. Research and study skills. Opportunity to follow through interest.

Contact with experts, opportunity to work in specialised setting related to field of interest. Development of mentor relationship. Development of real investigations/products in field of interest. Participation in electives, cluster groups. Use of Renzulli's Enrichment Triad Model for conceptual framework. Variety of approaches to thinking, investigating, problem-solving.

Thinks rapidly with advanced understanding. Ability to abstract and reason critically from holistic perspective.

Advanced and more complex thinking skills, e.g. analysis, synthesis, evaluation, hypothesis testing. Integrated approach to curriculum. Inquiry Skills.

A variety of approaches to teaching thinking skills, investigating, and problem-solving, e.g. Society in View, Taba teaching strategies, Bloom's Taxonomy, creative problem-solving. First hand investigations of real issues/problems, development of real outcomes/products. Use of Enrichment Triad Model as conceptual framework. Encouragement of self selection of issues.

Is curious; seeks solutions in creative and inventive ways. Interested in "adult" issues.

Open-endedness. Creative and critical thinking skills. Multiple approaches to problem-solving. Encouragement to express ideas and attitudes.

Encouragement of creative processes - flexibility, originality, fluency, elaboration, curiosity, complexity, risk-talking, imagination. Teaching of creative techniques, e.g. brainstorming, creative problem-solving. Provision of open-ended situations and tasks. Provision of meaningful involvement in "real world" issues and problems.

Capacity for leadership. Is sensitive and intuitive towards others; has sense of justice and values.

Group membership skills, leadership skills.

Provision of affective and values learning using current social and other problems. Opportunities to develop qualities of leadership and to demonstrate them. Use of co-operative learning strategies to develop group membership social skills.

From: Children with Special Abilities Ministry of Education and Training, Victoria. QAGTC inc. 1993

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